Saturday, November 1, 2014

Bits and Pieces!

A cousin of Steve, and his wife, Cor and Lia, came from Holland to BC/USA and so we had a family dinner at Uncle Herman's place. We're really getting to know all the cousins that live far and near! Another cousin came over from Ontario which we also met when we were there in the summer. So it was a very pleasant evening with good food (thanks to A. Mattie!) and company.

 Here is Cor flanked by Sandra on the left and Uncle Herman on the right

Tante Fien listening intently to Lia!

A. Matte, Lia, Sandra and Hester

Renee, Betty, Lisa, Tante Fien and myself

Taleesha just loves her Australian Milo chocolate drink and while we could get it from Walmart, it wasn't a cheap drink! I saw Ovaltine in the grocery store and while we also had that Australia, I hadn't tried it on her here. So I bought a container and gave it to her, and she loves it! Yay, that solved the milo problem. 

We've been having quite a bit of rain, interspersed with a dry days/spells as well, and last week we had a spectacular rainbow with dark rainclouds behind it making the rainbow really stand out. The little girls loved it as rainbows have been a bit of a theme here lately, with them wanting to know the order of the colors. So this really showed them a live rainbow! Can you see its double?

Anthea put her artistic skills to good use by decorating the front porch with pumpkins and corn stalks!

My pot of pumpkin soup is finished and not much was left. They cleaned it up as much as possible. Can you tell they like it?

Saturday was soccer finals for Jaclyn and Stefan. Jaclyn's team won! Well done! Stefan's team did well too but didn't quite win!

It was cold and wet that morning, so a coffee date at Woods was very welcome!

On Saturday night we had our 2nd annual gourmet meal. Sorry no photos as we were too busy cooking and eating, but we had a wonderful evening with lots of good food and chatter.

Steve is really being put to good use here. Taleesha is practicing her hairdressing skills and Shantel is really him a book! So good, I think he's falling asleep!

Our thoughts have been in Australia this week as Steve's dad turned 86! As well as that, his mum had a operation. They are both getting older and it's times like these, that you wish you lived a little closer to give them support and be there for them. However, we know too that God has them in His hands and that nothing happens without His will.

Friday night, in order to commemorate Reformation Day, the church/school community had potluck dinner in the gym and then there were activities for the kids and a video by Rev Ken Wieske. It was a nice evening.

This past week was rather wet, but Saturday, after the fog lifted by late morning, Steve got outside and trimmed the hydrangeas as well as some other plants. 

He got real fancy and even made little cones! Mini Christmas trees!

With all the rain we've had, the waterfall on the mountain is flowing again. If it's quiet, you can hear the rushing of the water!

This week is school cleaning again; Jaclyn and Stefan have basketball practice starting up again this week too. 

Well, that was a two week update! Thanks for checking in!

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